Monday, August 20, 2007

National Kitchen & Bath Website

NKBA Website Info
For those of you who don't know, The National Kitchen and Bath Association website is back in (almost) full operation. As I hope most of you do know, was hacked and most of the information was lost or corrupted. The entire site had to be rebuilt. It was a monumental task that has been going on all spring and summer. Just last Friday some of the member tools were reinstated, and some of the old functionality is still up in the air.Particularly the free web page listing.

One important items for all of our Southern New England Members was the free web page. This is very important and I will explain why. Web sites are ranked by search engines like Google based on the importance of the links INTO the sites. When a national site like NKBA.ORG links to a site like or it helps your company's site rank higher in the search engines.

What does this mean for us and our members? Well, if the national site does not correctly link to your site, then other sites can rank higher. ( and we want all our members sites to rank higher than non members... right?)

There is another reason that this is important. Some members don't have web sites. This is a vehicle to get them at least some exposure on the web. Some of them may even expect it, as it was offered before.

So, I spoke to national today and the solution is this. We all need to go to and log in. We should all check our profiles and make sure the information is correct. If not, please make the corrections online, or click the contact link, or call national to be sure the contact information is correct. I would also encourage you all to impress upon them how much you liked the "Free Member Pages" as this will help you control the information posted on the national site. If you need to make a change you would be able to log in and do it yourself and make changes on the fly.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact me here , or at

Best Wishes,

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