Wednesday, August 22, 2007

RSS What is it?

What is RSS and Why Should You Know?

When it comes to technology, even I get frustrated trying to keep up with everything. Sometimes, It seems like I’d rather go back to a pencil and paper! But this tool really is a time saver.

RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication. “Ok, so really what does that mean?” you ask.

The answer is awesome, and I know you will like it. RSS means:

· Less Spam in my inbox

· Content I think is important and I control delivered directly to me ( Like a newspaper I design for myself)

· I save time. Now I don’t need to visit my favorite websites, they tell me the information that has changed.

“That sounds good, but do I have to learn one more thing?”

Nope. It is very simple.

Websites, blogs and pod casts that are enabled with this technology basically broadcast either a short version of updates or the entire update. So, instead of having to go to each and every one of your favorite websites to check if there is new information, they will send it to you but, only if you want them too. I love that control. Now I don’t have them send me emails, I subscribe to their feed (and only the feeds I want) and they send it to me.

“OK, so they send it to me, how do I read it?” That is easy too, but there are some options.

If you have the latest Outlook version and you use Outlook, then your feed can be read there. If you are like me and use internet mail, then you will need some software call a “feed reader.” There are many and usually free. Some will copy the content to your computer, some leave the content online. There are benefits to both. The former allows you to read the content when you are not online. I.e., if you travel a lot, you can read the content while on a plane, train, automobile, or on the beach ( I hope you don’t take you computer to the beach to work!)

The later requires you to have an internet connection that is available when you want to read. I prefer this option as there is rarely a place I travel where I can not get online. I also have the option of saving content to my computer if I choose.

The end result is that I get notified when the websites I value are updated. I end up with great content that is relevant to me and I get to choose to read it or not. If content from a site becomes irrelevant to me, I delete the feed. In essence, I create my own online newspaper with exactly the content I want (including the cartoons!)

I hope you try it out.

Oh… some links to aggregators ( or readers) – Online reader (aggregator) This is the one I use. Newsgator also has a version for use with outlook. Use Google's web-based feed reader to keep up with blogs and news. Another Web based reader A reader for Macs

There are many more just Google “RSS READER” and you can take your pick.

Richard Allan Marti Jr
Curcio Marti Interior Design

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