Wednesday, August 22, 2007


In case you have not noticed, GREEN is GREEN (Spelled $). More and more people are joining in the march to be and live with more thought to how our actions effect the world around us. As Designers, we are in a unique position to positively influence decisions that are made today, that will effect the impact on the environment well into the future.

Case in point, if you encourage your clients to recycle and make it easy for them to do so, they are more apt to recycle that wine bottle that contained that awesome Brunello they enjoyed last night ( My mouth is watering just thinking about it.)
instead of tossing it in the dump.

Even more exciting is the idea that all the work that went into the development of LEED standards is being inegrated into standards for Residential construction.

You can make money suggesting green alternatives and designing with sustainablity in mind. Instead of following how our clients have done things in the past, we can suggest better alternatives for the future. I would further suggest that we are CALLED to do so. I also think the tide has turned to the point that our clients even expect us to do so.

So, how do we learn more? Easy. As professionals, there are many resources available.

1. Our suppliers are all getting on the band waggon. Most Cabinet companies keep a keen eye on VOC emmisions from their finishes. They want to be as green as possible as they dont want their employees exposed to nasty chemicals. They are a great resource and will tell you the truth about how they are becomming more green. ( if they are not, I would question their future.

2. Join your local Green Building council. In Connecticut it is the Connecticut Green Building Council. They can be contacted at

3. Join the US Green Building Council. They can be reached at

4. Take time to attent GREEN BUILD the international conference and expo on November 7-9 2007 in Chicago. for More information visit www.GREENBUILDEXPO.ORG.

If you need more information, please drop me some comments here or email me at

Richard Allan Marti Jr.

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