Friday, February 27, 2009

Asking Questions, Curiously Searching Answers

The President called for all Americans to commit to at least 1 year of learning. I was excited about this. A challenge to find resources and material to learn and share with others.

Many people follow a traditional education path, grade school, college, perhaps grad school. They most likely will go on to working for a corporation and will take some seminars or attend meeting and accumulate continuing educational credits.

Some of us, myself included, love to learn on our own. By following a more organic way by asking questions and searching and exploring answers. You know of many people who have followed a path like this. Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, both in different times were avid readers and writers. In more recent times there are people including Michael Dell of Dell Computer fame, Richard Branson, James Cameron, Even Bill Gates, although following on the surface, a traditional path in reality in his early years was following a his passions learning and exploring computer programing on his own.

That sense of curiosity can lead people to develop a more authentic, more original way of seeing and experiencing their lives.

While these times are challenging, they are rich with excitement, curiosity and questions that need to be answered. While on my own quest for answers I stumbled ( and not through the Stumble) across a site dedicated to free learning resources online:
. Self Made Scholar has a huge set of links to college courses offered free online and other learning resources like video classed on youtube.

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