Sunday, February 15, 2009

Use Social Networking to Grow Your Business

Business promotion has changed and the changes are occuring at an increasing rate. In the old days, a business would push its advertising to potential customers. Television, Print, and radio ads are all examples of this and we are all familiar with them. In the new paradigm, a company will put a jar of honey out there and attract customers to it.

In the electronic world today, that honey is content or information. That information is consumed in a few different ways. Through search engines, people actively seek it out and by suggestions of friends and aquaintences.

Dell has started a group on with some great ideas and instructions on how to use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to create value for your clients and promote your business. The new marketing tools have less hard sell and ar "softer" instead of driving or pulling your products through the market, the new models revolve around individuals sharing information with their friends. When you think about it, isn't that why and how you buy products? It is a more organic and natural way to buy and sell. You can visit Dells tools for Facebook here.

An easy way to promote your business on a social networking site is by purchasing advertisement that will be delivered more like suggestions than like the hard sell ads of the past. Magpie is a service you can pay for that will lace subtle ads into tweets of members that sign up for the service. Magpie pays writers that write on topics related to what the advertiser is selling for placing those little suggestions. It can be a very cost effective way of promoting your product or service.

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