Thursday, March 05, 2009

The Power of One- The Awesome Power of Team.

Building an online business or an offline business takes work. Simple. I know we all hear the stories of how much money you can make in 30 days if you will only send $24.99 now. If it sounds to like a duck, it probably is a duck.

We all know the outcome of the presidential campaign of Barrack Obama. His campaign will be studied by a generation of marketing people. It combined both the power of an individual with strong values and focus with the power of an awesome team.

What has this got to do with building a successful business? We each have the tools at our disposal to build awesome teams just as the Obama campaign. Actually they are the same tools. Social media like Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter are all vehicles to help us reach out, to connect, to build networks that are mutually supportive. We all use email and visit websites and we may even have a site of our own. But how do we maximize our efforts? How do we harness the power of one, with the power of the team behind us.

You know the answer. You network. You find the people that you trust and you ask them questions. If I want to hire an architect, I would probably talk to my friends and associates, I would look through magazines, not for the ads but at the content. But most importantly I would search the internet. You know that people make purchasing decisions by referral. Hence the importance of social networking and social media. It is the difference between pushing your services and having people come to you asking your advice and asking for you to help them. It is the difference between a cold call and referral from a friend.

By creating a strong network you can have a salesforce of hundreds or thousands. You can build relationships with people who have the skills that compliment your own. You can build relationships with experts all over the globe. You can have the power of one and the awesome power of a team.

If you would like to sign up for our Service Sellers Master course. Please fill out this form.

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